Monday 4 April 2011

NRGFUEL Sponsored Athlete wrote us to tell us about what motivates her to train.....

After having my 3rd child – Katie, I was unfit and overweight. I began to do gym classes – aerobics, step etc. After a few years of gradually losing weight and becoming fitter I moved into the ‘gym’.
I never did any more classes after that – I had found my home! I loved lifting weights and trying to beat my reps. After a few years of putting in a lot of effort but with only slight improvements I started seeking advice. I met Chris Pike, an experienced competitive body builder, who suggested to help with a focus, I should go in for a competition. I realised that I had to readjust everything! Diet, ways of training, supplements etc. He guided me through 6 months of dieting and training.

The changes were immediate and addictive! My husband, Andy, and my 3 kids supported me all the way. When the day finally came what an experience! As I nervously stepped centre stage wearing next to nothing – the music for my routine that I had practised for weeks on did not play! Argh! An alternative slow ballad was played instead (mine had been upbeat and rocky) Despite dying inside I carried on adlibbing all the way! Needless to say I didn’t win but more importantly I had loved the whole experience. This wasn’t going to be my last show. I entered the same show the following year where I had clearly improved in all ways over the year – and my music played this time!

I will never be a top body builder. My career is teaching, which I love. My hobby is body building. I am 40 this year with 3 children. Competing gives me a focus and regardless of position awarded I always try to focus on competing with myself – trying to beat my condition and performance from the previous show/year. I love the way that body building is not just about the gym but how it entwines around your whole life in such a positive way. As a teacher and mum I feel privileged to be able to pass on the benefits of leading a clean, healthy and fit lifestyle to children. They all think it’s pretty cool to have a teacher/mum that’s a body builder too!

Some Facts About Emma
Primary school teacher for 15 years
Currently Assistant Head Teacher
3 children: David 19, Harry 9, Katie 8
Married to Andy – helps motivate, encourage me and keeps me on right track with diet! (trains himself)
Loves to push life to limits and then a little more!
Described as bubbly, enthusiastic, talkative and hard working
Enjoys training back and arms
Current goals - to lose more body fat and train legs harder.
-        To improve each year
NRG Fuel products I use – TTP choc, Buzz Berry, Girl Power Strawberry, Get ripped.
Belief – if I can – you can!

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