Saturday 16 April 2011

Muscle Building Nutritional Vitamin Supplements

Body building products are popular dietary vitamin supplements mainly utilized by individuals who are active in body building and athletics. Nutritional supplements are simply just concentrated versions of the nutrients present in food. For instance, if someone wanted to make a drastic physical change to their body in order to become more muscular or athletic, they may get it done by increasing the intake of particular proteins, vitamins and minerals. 

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Ian 'The Machine' Freeman Joins Team NRGFUEL

After trying out the NRGFUEL TTP, MMA Legend Ian 'The Machine' Freeman contacted us to become part of the team. Ian told us that he is "Old school and an egg and milk guy" but has been so impressed by the taste and the results he achieved taking our products he wanted to become a regular user.

Monday 4 April 2011

NRGFUEL Sponsored Athlete wrote us to tell us about what motivates her to train.....